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Pagina Crema marfil


Ivory cream marble and emperor marble, two noble and classic Spanish marbles that adapt very well to all types of projects and combine beautifully.

Ivory cream marble, emperor dark marble, and emperor light marble: slabs, tile, flooring & covering, stairs, columns, solid sinks, solid bath, solid frame, fireplace, sculptures, mosaics, decorative marble.

Why is it convenient for you to buy our ivory cream marble?

The ivory cream marble  (crema marfil marble) is a noble material with which can be covered large surfaces of floors and walls, well selected, the cream is a nice color and can be used very well as basic color to combine with other marbles such as brown emperor dark and red Alicante, Valencia cream, White Macael marble.

The physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of the ivory cream marble are more than acceptable and it's commercial value very convenient.

For these reasons, the ivory cream marble is not out of fashion and remains the best solution for many projects in natural stone worldwide.

Its commercial value depends on the degree of selection required and the creamy and cleaner colored ivory, called "select" or first quality ivory cream marble" is the most required.

The quarries give very little production of blocks with these characteristics, then, the slabs with these characteristics in large quantities, are scarce and more difficult to obtain.
Let us remember that the
ivory cream marble as the white of Carrara and like so many other marbles are natural stones, "made by the hand of God" if I am granted this expression.

Usually, those who get a block of top quality ivory cream marble cut it and get slabs, but it has no interest in cutting 60 x 60 or 100 x 100 or 120 x 120 cm because that means more production work and generates waste of smaller measures, So there is a lot of unsatisfied demand for first-grade ivory cream marble cut to size 60 x 60 up to 120 x 120 cm.

Personal Marble specializes in the manufacture of large formats, from 60 x 60 x 2 cm, up to 120 x 120 x 2 cm of ivory cream marble (crema marfil marble) and we perform an unsurpassed selection work, which in the end we get floor coverings and walls with the Characteristics almost identical to those of the first quality ivory cream marble that is so difficult to obtain.

This we can say is a characteristic that distinguishes us and comparative advantage.

Surely You will ask themselves: and how do they do it? Or what do they do with the pieces of ivory cream that do not meet the high-quality standards?

The answer is the following:

We select the best part of the slabs when we cut the pieces to measure and the pieces that do not fulfill the requirements are destined to other markets and projects.

Working for many years, in different markets and thanks to the possibilities of cutting several measures, we select even more pieces and perform other finishes such as sandblasting or aging, we sell these qualities that have been selected and revalued with the most appropriate finishes. (sandblasted, aged), in these other markets, habitual customers or for projects that are presented to us.

In this way, we give practical solutions to all types of projects with ivory cream marble, taking into account the required quality and the available budget.

For project medium and large quantity (5,000 to 50,000 square meters) the best balance we can achieve by combining these last two aspects, Quality, and Budget available, is decisive to win the purchase of marble cream ivory and this we know from experience.

Dimensiones del cut to size
Ancla 1

Other important considerations about ivory cream marble.

While there is a lot of information on the web that tells us about the benefits and characteristics of the ivory cream marble and that you probably know, I want to refer now to the criteria for selecting a natural stone, also exposed to the arabescato-Corchia-Vagli page.


Let's analyze together, marble ivory cream, according to these general criteria for the correct selection of natural stone:

* Durability of ivory cream marble (crema marfil)

From this point of view, ivory cream marble has very good properties of mechanical resistance to compression, bending, absorption, etc. and the best proof of the nobility and suitability of this natural stone, for designers and architects, is a large number of projects, millions and millions of square feet of floor and wall surfaces covered with ivory cream marble throughout the world, this is the best practical test, which we have to ensure that marble ivory cream from the point of view of its durability, is a suitable marble for most projects of coatings of floors, walls, stairs, columns, etc.


Even so, it will be necessary to examine with attention the particular characteristics of each project and the average values ​​of the resistance parameters obtained in the laboratory tests of the ivory cream marble and that I leave here below.

* Finishing of the surface of ivory cream marble.

From this point of view, the surface of the ivory cream marble can be finished, especially for indoor environments in polished, matt shine, or honed.


For exteriors the most usual terminations are: honed, sandblasted, bush-hammered.

It is very beautiful also the rustic type finishing that can be given to the ivory cream, using brushes of steel and you can also combine the sandblasted and brushed finish.


In this way, the brush that passes over the sandblasted surface of the ivory cream marble eliminates eventual bumps and softens the surface of the coating to the touch, this finish is also called "leather" by its analogy with the natural surface of the leather.

* Dimension of the elements of ivory cream marble.

The minimum and maximum dimensions of an element of a floor or a lining depend mainly on the following factors:

* Geometry of the element that forms the floor or coating in natural stone.

* Petrographic characteristics of natural stone.

* Chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of natural stone.

* Average dimensions of the available slabs from which to collect the floor and/or coating in natural stone.

* Manipulation of the elements and technique of posing or placement that is intended to be used.

With the current processing technologies,  it is possible to make floor and wall elements of many dimensions and shapes, as long as they are compatible with the dimensions of the slabs available in commerce.

One could conclude by saying that the attention to the dimensions of the elements that can be made with natural stone, at the moment of choosing it, finds its justification in large part in the need to simplify the production and the placement containing the costs.

Taking into account these technical considerations, in the title above, why is it convenient for you to buy our ivory cream marble?. We clearly explain that we can supply a wide variety of formats, even quite large

* Background color of ivory cream marble.


The background color of natural stone is the predominant color of the material, which determines the chromatic characteristic.


The rocks in terms of coloration can be subdivided into monochromatic and polychromatic.

They are monochromatic rocks. The rocks with uniform dyeing as for example the White Thassos or the Black Zimbawe.


Also, the rocks characterized by a color resulting from the combination of so many colors chromatically close, that at a certain distance seem uniform color. And finally those rocks with a predominant color over the others.

The background color of the ivory cream marble is obviously the cream. Of course, the color of the marble will also depend on the quarry and each extracted block.


We can say that there is a beige tone, instead of the traditional cream, which has a lower aesthetic value, although this is subjective and could be a color that a designer seeks for a particular project. In general, the client looking for an ivory cream wants it more cream than beige.

We basically handle two tones: a medium tone, and a lighter bone tone.

In all cases when the material is well selected, there will be a single predominant color and this will be a medium tone cream or a light cream.

* Design that you want to achieve.


With respect to the design that can be achieved with the ivory cream marble, we can say that one of the factors that predominate for the choice of this marble to coat floors and walls, is that it is a neutral color.

It does not have very marked veins that can condition the design of marble coatings.

In general, the ivory cream marble is very appreciated to cover large surfaces and within these surfaces, partial designs can be made with other natural stones.

The cream color of this marble allows us to combine it practically with all the marbles that are wanted.
For example, it combines very well with the Spanish marbles dark brown and red Alicante, also with the black Marquina.

In short, the ivory cream marble is a "classic" that never goes out of style.

Making a comparison with the fashionable dresses, let's say that the ivory cream marble, is a "Classic" that always or almost always very well and is combined with other materials, stone, wood, glass, etc. fabrics, and other elements of decoration, in a natural way, without effort, thus facilitating the realization of a total project.

* Availability of ivory cream marble in the market and cost.

The availability of ivory cream marble on the market is still great. Of course, in a much lower percentage, an extra quality ivory cream is extracted, that is, completely clean.

From there the great importance of the selection of the material that is made during the cutting process.

It is practically impossible to realize projects of medium and large dimension from blocks and slabs of extra quality ivory cream, but if it is possible to make it from commercial material of high quality and first quality, making a selection of the pieces cut as we do and as we explained in the title above.

Technical Data of Ivory Cream Marble

Cream-colored marble, with slightly darker streaks, randomly distributed. Quarry extraction fronts are large, from which large blocks are obtained. Given its nature, it is recommended to use mainly on facades and cladding, without ruling out its use in pavements. It accepts all the finishes, and taking into account the application to which it is destined, it is possible to choose the most suitable one; In any case, its use must conform to the international standards established for the use of these materials under construction.

SKU. : Crema Marfil

Category:  Natural stone, marble

TAGS: Crema Marfil, Ivory cream

Specific weight. 2.72 gr / cm3
Absorption coefficient  0,15%
Compression resistance 1253 kg / cm2 
Resistance to flexion 198 kg / cm2
Wear resistance  0,35 mm.
Resistance to impact 42 cm.
Origin: Pinoso, Novelda, Alicante Spain.

An excellent alternative solution to our production and to our special offerings of ivory cream is our limestones, which we produce in continuation and quantity and you can see them on this page:  white limestone and light cream limestone.

We also have periodic and special offers of our limestone shell reef, which we are asked to use in interior and exterior coatings in many natural stone projects.

If you like Roman travertine, we offer you the classic Roman travertine, travertine light, and travertine Navona.


If you are interested in outlet tiles, look at this Roman travertine offer.

Emperor Dark & Red Alicante, two marbles that combine very well with the ivory cream marble

Technical Data of Emperor Dark & Red Alicante Marbles

The emperor dark marble is a unique marble for its color and design, very elegant and therefore very used for interior applications. It combines very well with the ivory cream marble and highlights the aesthetic qualities of all the elements that surround it.

The emperor dark brown and red Alicante marble are usually used for all types of the internal lining, not only floors and walls but also for architectural elements such as stairs, skirting boards, columns, and capitals, as well as for complements of decoration such as fireplaces, solid pieces for bathrooms and kitchens.

The predominant color of Emperor dark marble is dark brown with more or less presence of white and light brown color.

The predominant color of red Alicante marble is red and the more intense, the more marble has quality, it may also have some white veins.


Technical Data Emperor Dark marble              

SKU. : Marron Emperador dark

Category:  Natural stone, marble

TAGS: Marron Emperador, Emperador Dark, Emperor dark

Specific weight. 2.74 gr / cm3

Absorption coefficient  0,3 %

Compression resistance 1400 kg / cm2

Resistance to flexion 100 kg / cm2

Wear resistance  21,5 mm.

Resistance to impact 42 cm.

Origin, Alicante Spain.                                       


Technical Data Red Alicante marble


SKU. : Rojo Alicante

Category:  Natural stone, marble

TAGS: Rojo Alicante, Red Alicante

Specific weight. 2,71 gr/cm3

Absorption coefficient. 0,10 %

Compression resistance.  965 Kg./cm2

Resistance to flexion. 89 Kg./cm2

Wear resistance.  2,42 mm

Resistance to impact.  --

Origin, Alicante Spain.

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Factory, warehouse and workshop for the manufacture of crema marfil ,

white macael and other Spanish marble and limestone.

Murcia & Macael Almeria

Calle del Campillo s/n 30430 Cehegin, Murcia and Macael, Almeria, Spain.


Plaza San Cristobal N° 14
03002 Alicante/Alacant. Spain.

Tel.: +34 681013 110


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Personal Marble SL.  Plaza San Cristobal N° 14 (03002) Alicante, Spain. Tel. +34 68 10 13 110 NIF: B42874743. Email:

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